Lions, Tigers, and Bears...Oh My! From Fear to Confidence on the Road to Birth
- Non-member - $45
- Non-Member - Group B - $18
- Non-Member - Group C - $18
- Non-Member - Group D - $18
- Member - $35
- Member - Group B - $14
- Member - Group C - $14
- Member - Group D - $14
Childbirth Educators should understand the fears associated with pregnancy and birth that pregnant clients and their families face. This session will propose that fear and anxiety are normal emotions that may be anticipated by our clients and can be positively included in a childbirth class teaching coping strategies for birth and beyond. A three-step childbirth class activity to encourage clients to discover fears and develop a positive coping strategy will be shared.
Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE (through CBRN) for attending this webinar and completing the participant evaluation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15932 for 1.0 contact hours.

Vonda Gates, RN, ICCE, ICBD
ICEA Trainer, HUG Your Baby Trainer
Vonda has been a certified childbirth educator since 1991 and was one of the early certified birth doulas in the US. For many of her early career years, Thursday evening was spent at the local hospital teaching a childbirth class. Currently, Vonda enjoys the talented program candidates she meets as an approved trainer for the ICEA Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula Workshops. Vonda still most enjoys facilitating a childbirth class from her Georgia classroom with expectant clients in her community and beyond.