New Parents Connection: Lessons from Postpartum Parents
Includes a Live Web Event on 02/27/2025 at 2:00 PM (EST)
- Non-member - $45
- Non-Member - Group B - $18
- Non-Member - Group C - $18
- Non-Member - Group D - $18
- Member - $35
- Member - Group B - $14
- Member - Group C - $14
- Member - Group D - $14
Are you looking for new ways to support parents as they move from pregnancy to the postpartum period? Presenters Dr. Joann O'Leary and Dr. Jolene Pearson hosted a postpartum support group together for over 15 years. In listening to the parents, they identified the types of information and support they needed and developed a dynamic model for supporting new parents. This presentation will describe how to reach postpartum parents, the format of the support group, common topics raised by parents, resources helpful in meeting their needs, and suggestions for hosting a your own postpartum group.
Session Objectives:
1. Identify the key issues raised by new parents in postpartum
2. Explore key considerations for hosting a postpartum group.
3. Identify critical resources and knowledge needed by the facilitators.
Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE through CBRN.

Joann O’Leary
Joann has a background as an LPN in NICU, an infant teacher/parent-coordinator in preschool birth to five special education and 18 years as a Parent-Infant Specialist in a High-Risk perinatal center.
She was a Fulbright Specialist at University College Cork, Ireland in 2016 and currently facilitates on-line groups for Star Legacy Foundation. Her research and writing focus are how perinatal loss and the pregnancy that follows impact parents, children, and extended family members.
She has authored four books on the topic, co-authored two chapters, over 40 articles, has spoken nationally and internationally on the impact of loss on families.

Jolene Pearson
PhD, IMH-E® (IV), Associate Professor Emerita
Bethel University
Jolene is licensed early childhood education, parent education and early childhood special education in the state of Minnesota. She is an Emerita Associate Professor at Bethel University. She is endorsed in infant mental health IMH-E® (IV).
She recently completed a Fulbright Specialist Project at the University of Maribor in Slovenia focused on development of early childhood standards.
Her Research focuses on the preparation of teachers/educators to work in early childhood settings. She is the author of Pathways to Positive Parenting: Helping Parents Make the Most of the Earliest Months published by Zero to Three. Jolene has been a presenter at local, state and international conferences.