Pedagogy Bundle: The Art of Teaching Childbirth Education

Pedagogy Bundle: The Art of Teaching Childbirth Education

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Grow your teaching skills with this six-course bundle that includes new methods for addressing fear in the classroom, implementing a flipped classroom, mastering slide decks with PowerPoint, harnessing educational psychology to better reach your learners, and more!  

  • Make it Stick: The Science and Psychology of Successful Learning
  • Power Up PowerPoint - Utilizing Slide Decks for Interactive, Engaging Learning Opportunities
  • Flipped Learning and Online Flipped Learning in Childbirth Education
  • Lions, Tigers, and Bears...Oh My! From Fear to Confidence on the Road to Birth
  • Elective Induction of Labor Education as a Tool to Reduce Elective Hospital Inductions: A Case Study
  • 2022 Keynote Session - Preventing Challenging Births through Childbirth Education

Participants may earn 5.50 Lamaze Contact Hours, and 5.00 hours of CNE through the California Board of Registered Nursing (provider #15932).

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and related disciplines, this session provides insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved.

    As educators, we all want our lessons to "stick" and become relevant to our students. Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, this session will provide insights into how memory is encoded, consolidated, and later retrieved. This session will appeal to anyone interested in the challenge of learning. 

    Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE through CBRN.

    Mary Jo Podgurski, RNC, EdD, LCCE, FACCE, CSE

    Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski is an RN, educator, counselor, author, and speaker of more than 900 local, national and international workshops/trainings. She is a past Lamaze International president and has been a childbirth educator since the 1970s. She is also AASECT certified as a sexuality educator and sexuality counselor. Dr. Mary Jo is the creator of the 12 books in The Nonnie SeriesTM on the challenging topics of death, consent, disability, gender, sex, trauma, relationships, mental health, quarantine, race, pregnancy and birth, and puberty. She has authored 38 books for parents, young people and professionals. She is the author of Routledge Press’ Reclaiming the Sexuality of Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum, publication pending 2023.

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    In this session, educators will leave with seven innovative and interactive ways to use their presentation software to meet learning objectives, engage families, and create memorable learning opportunities and take-aways.

    Online presentation platforms, such as PowerPoint, are tools that are often used as a supplement to instructor-led lectures in childbirth classes. Many of their most powerful and engaging features are ignored in favor of a simple slideshow approach. In this session, educators will leave with seven innovative and interactive ways to use their presentation software to meet learning objectives, engage families, and create memorable learning opportunities and take-aways. 

    Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE through CBRN.

    Sharon Muza, BS, LCCE, FACCE, CD/BDT(DONA), CLE

    Sharon Muza (she/her/hers) has been an active perinatal professional since 2004, teaching Lamaze classes to thousands of families and doula-ing in Seattle, WA. Sharon is also a trainer of new birth doulas and childbirth educators. She blogs professionally on perinatal topics. Sharon enjoys facilitating discussion around best practice, current research and its practical application to maternal infant health and community standards. She also loves creating and delivering engaging and interactive learning sessions both in person and online. You can learn more about Sharon, on her website,

    Mallory Emerson, LCCE, CD(PALS), CFSD-BADT

    Mallory (she/her/hers) is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator and a full spectrum doula in the central NY Capital region. She is committed to engaging classes, birth equity & justice, and supporting families throughout their transitions in parenthood. Mallory currently teaches Great Starts classes with Parent Trust for Washington Children and her own series of dynamic and adaptive childbirth classes with a focus on postpartum adjustment. You can learn more about Mallory on her website,

  • Product not yet rated Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    In this session, participants will dive into flipped classrooms and learn how they can implement flipped learning in their childbirth education classes.

    In this 30-minute session, participants will dive into flipped classrooms and learn how they can implement flipped learning in their childbirth education classes. Flipped Classroom (FC) brings flexibility to childbirth education (CBE) while keeping it interactive. It allows participants to take an active role in learning. In FC there is lower-order learning tasks before or after face-to-face live meetings and the meeting time can be used for higher-order interactive engagement elements. In Online FC (OFC) the live meeting is online via videoconferencing bringing even more flexibility to the CBE. 

    Participants may earn .50 Lamaze Contact Hours.

    Marjaana Siivola, LCCE, AdvBD(DONA), BDT(DONA), teacher, MS(Tech), Lis(Tech)

    PhD Student

    Aalto University

    Marjaana is a childbirth educator, doula, doula trainer, and elearning specialist in healthcare. She has taught childbirth education online since 2012 and has developed interactive elearning for decade now. She has studied virtual reality and flipped learning in her PhD studies as part of an interactive online childbirth education.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This session will propose that fear and anxiety are normal emotions that may be anticipated by our clients and can be positively included in a childbirth class teaching coping strategies for birth and beyond.

    Childbirth Educators should understand the fears associated with pregnancy and birth that pregnant clients and their families face. This session will propose that fear and anxiety are normal emotions that may be anticipated by our clients and can be positively included in a childbirth class teaching coping strategies for birth and beyond. A three-step childbirth class activity to encourage clients to discover fears and develop a positive coping strategy will be shared.

    Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE (through CBRN) for attending this webinar and completing the participant evaluation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 15932 for 1.0 contact hours.

    Vonda Gates, RN, ICCE, ICBD

    ICEA Trainer, HUG Your Baby Trainer

    Vonda has been a certified childbirth educator since 1991 and was one of the early certified birth doulas in the US.  For many of her early career years, Thursday evening was spent at the local hospital teaching a childbirth class. Currently, Vonda enjoys the talented program candidates she meets as an approved trainer for the ICEA Childbirth Educator and Birth Doula Workshops.  Vonda still most enjoys facilitating a childbirth class from her Georgia classroom with expectant clients in her community and beyond.

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This session will discuss one childbirth educator’s professional experience in successful implantation of Elective inductions of labor education and the proven results within a hospital system.

    Elective inductions of labor (EIOL) are inductions of labor for non-medical reasons. EIOL for healthy people is a growing concern, causing issues not only for the pregnant family, but also for hospital systems. Childbirth educators and EIOL-specific education can help reduce this growing number. This session will discuss one childbirth educator’s professional experience in successful implantation of EIOL education and the proven results within a hospital system.

    Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze Contact Hour and 1.0 hour of CNE through the California Board of Registered Nursing (CBRN).

    Wendy Trees Shiffer MS, CD(DONA), CLC, LCCE, FACCE, LEC

    Family Trees Birth Programs

    Wendy is the Executive Director and Instructor for Family Trees Birth Programs and holds a master’s degree in health sciences with a concentration in midwifery and women's healthcare.  She is a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, a Fellow of the Academy of Certified Childbirth Educators, a Certified Birth Doula, a Certified Lactation Counselor a Lamaze Program Director, and Chair of Lamaze’s Education Council.   Professionally, Wendy has co-facilitated research at Towson University School of Nursing which was published in the Journal of Perinatal Education. She regularly guest lectures at several universities and hospitals across the US as well as regional, national, and international conferences.   

    Wendy is passionate about addressing the healthcare disparities that exist within the United States maternity care system.  She thoroughly enjoys sharing her love for labor support and childbirth education. Above all else, she is most proud of her four children.


    Instagram: @FamilyTreesBirthPrograms

    YouTube: @familytreesbirthprograms7366

  • Contains 3 Component(s), Includes Credits

    A thorough understanding of physiological, emotional and psychological processes has been proven to have a great impact on pregnant women's birthing experiences.

    A thorough understanding of physiological, emotional and psychological processes has been proven to have a great impact on pregnant women's birthing experiences. Challenges in birth often stem from a lack of flow in the birth energy, which in turn can get minimized when the mother has familiarity and an understanding of her body, as well as the empowering tools available to her. 

    Participants may earn 1.0 Lamaze contact hour and 1.0 hour of CNE from CBRN, approved provider #15932.

    Naolí Vinaver

    Naolí Vinaver is a Mexican midwife who combines traditional Mexican and contemporary home birth practices, with a profound respect for the physiology of natural birth, having attended over 1800 home births in both Mexico and Brazil. Naolí­ is a passionate speaker and educator, teaching hundreds of workshops and seminars in over 30 countries around the world.